Business bulletins Bi-weekly publication on information of economic development, and business-related industry and movements in the Northern Territory.
History of Trade exhibition guide The guide from the History of Trade exhibition which was curated for the Arafura Games Business Engagement Program in 2019.
NT-India market entry guide The NT-India market entry guide contains key contextual information about the relationship between the Territory and India, and an analysis of opportunities for engagement with the nation. Additionally, the guide highlights a strategies and approaches to engagement which will lead to better outcomes for Territory enterprises.
Regional community directories BushTel website provides information on businesses and services located in major remote towns.
Training package notices Training packages for nationally endorsed competency standards, for assessment requirements and Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications for a specific industry, industry sector or enterprise.
Northern Territory renewable hydrogen strategy The strategy articulates the potential hydrogen opportunities and the Territory’s competitive advantages of achieving the target of net-zero emissions by 2050.
Territory inbound worker strategy 2019 to 2028 The Territory inbound worker strategy 2019-2028 adopts a
collaborative approach to attract and support newcomers, migrants and international students, to strengthen the economic and social vibrancy of the Territory.
Territory space industry 2020 Territory space industry 2020 aims to grow the Northern Territory’s space industry capabilities.
The Territory critical minerals plan The Territory critical minerals plan helps position the Territory as a strategically important jurisdiction in the production, processing and manufacturing of minerals important to the high technology, battery and defence sectors.
Aboriginal Employment Program policy The Aboriginal Employment Program offers support to employers and industry, including not-for-profits, providing jobs and training opportunities for Aboriginal Territorians.
Indigenous tutorial assistance scheme policy Information on funding for supplementary tuition to support eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students undertaking VET courses or apprenticeships.
Learner support policy Breaking language barriers and providing support to students enrolled in skill based vocational training.
National training plan principles policy Information to support employers, apprentices, trainees and registered training organisations in the development of a training plan and its role in the successful completion of the apprenticeship or traineeship.
Project development framework The framework aims to ensure that government facilitated and funded projects are developed, evaluated and progressed through a consistent framework which enhances transparency and public accountability, and maximises the outcomes and public benefit of government expenditure.
Recognition of prior learning policy A mechanism for recognising skills and knowledge (competence) that a person already has, regardless of how, when or where the learning occurred.
Regulation-making framework This framework assists government deliver effective and efficient regulation with minimal imposts on businesses and the community.
Student eligibility VET policy Policy for Northern Territory students and apprentices / trainees undertaking vocational education and training in a Northern Territory Government supported place.
Supplementary recurrent assistance policy Information on how assistance will be allocated to public vocational education providers based on their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student numbers.
Territory benefit policy and planning Toolkit for private sector proponents, Northern Territory Government project managers and the general public when preparing a Territory benefit plan.
User choice funding policy Information for employers, apprentices and trainees on their choices of registered training organisation and their ability to negotiate key aspects of the training such as where, how and when it will be provided.