Profitable Grazing Systems

Over the years, Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) and other organisations have run numerous field days, workshops and other training events to share information but many producers have indicated that they would like more support to build their skills and implement what they’ve learnt into their business.  The new ‘Profitable Grazing Systems’ initiative from MLA is designed to provide that.

The aim of the program is to develop tailored short courses, delivered over six to 18 months which allow you to develop and practice your skills with small groups of like-minded producers.  The course will be delivered by an accredited coach or facilitator, assisted by specialist technicians where relevant.

Delivery is flexible and may include a mix of online webinars, teleconferences, workshops and one-on-one property visits.  There are a number of existing courses already available across the key topic areas of nutrition, breeding, grazing land management, people and business. These can be tailored to meet the needs of a group in the NT or a completely new, unique course can be developed to provide the specific skills you need.

Subsidies are available to help cover the cost of the course.

Reasons to get involved in Profitable grazing Systems

To find out more, contact the NT State Coordinator – Rebecca Mohr-Bell; 08 8977 0134

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