NT Government website: new and improved

The Northern Territory Government launched a new whole-of-government website in April 2016. The nt.gov.au site merges previous department sites into one site, organised by content instead of corporate structure.

The new look for the NT Government website at nt.gov.au.

The new look for the NT Government website at nt.gov.au Information is easier to find and understand.

Jam-packed with new features, the search function has been enhanced, the information is written in plain English and it is user friendly for mobile phones and tablets.

Agricultural information can be found in this section:


While all of the grower information is now housed on the NT.GOV.AU website, the department still maintains a separate page for information such as new research, policies, committees and courses:

The Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries still maintains a separate website that also follows the new look, at dpif.nt.gov.au

The Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries still maintains a separate website that also follows the new look.

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