Barkly Landcare Field Day success

Stephani Grove, Coordinator- Barkly  Landcare and Conservation Association

With an attendance of close to 30 people, a mix of pastoralists,  researchers and interest groups gathered at Alexandria Station last month for  the annual Barkly Landcare field day.

Figure 4 Attendees spent the first session of the field day in the paddock.

Figure 4 Attendees spent the first session of the field day in the paddock.

“Conservation within the Piosphere” was the topic of discussion  this year and as defined by Lange in 1969; Piosphere is an indicator of the localized impact of grazing on vegetation and  soils. In the Barkly, our members experience constant changes around water  points. This event was aimed at addressing these issues, providing steps for  solutions and sharing experiences from pastoralists who have developed their  properties to conserve areas around waters.

The field day at Alexandria Station has built and shared on-ground  knowledge. Exploring new technologies like biomass mapping and understanding ecological  changes, weed encroachment and pasture and soil conservation were key areas  addressed on the day.

Figure 5 Delicious smoko of kebabs in the paddock

We had the best kebabs ever for smoko in the paddock during  session one at Nose Peg Bore! Barkly Landcare would like to acknowledge Meat  & Livestock Australia for sponsoring the event and Tim and Ruth Milne and  all the staff at Alexandria Station for hosting the field day and contributing  towards the success of the day. Thank you to all our presenters, guests and  members for making the trip out to Alexandria Station.

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