7. Purchases of goods and services

The net surplus/(deficit) has been arrived at after charging the following expenses:

Goods and services expenses:
Consultants1 3,584 1,580
Advertising2 157 179
Marketing and promotion3 187 144
Document production 87 58
Legal expenses4 267 113
Recruitment5 69 31
Training and study 489 431
Travel expenses6 1,663 1,660
Motor vehicle expenses 2,142 2,011
Property management 3,055 2,812
Information technology expenses 3,271 3,319
Laboratory expenses 1,080 1,400
Other equipment7 925 901
Survey, drafting and drilling 3,678 1,232
Telecommunications and postage 694 568
Livestock expenses 392 351
Research project costs 1,322 1,545
NT Government contributions towards national programs 258 243
Workers compensation insurance premium 280 280
Other Expenses 3,392 3,496
TOTAL 26,992 22,354
  1. Includes marketing, promotion and information technology consultants.
  2. Does not include recruitment advertising or marketing and promotion advertising.
  3. Includes advertising for marketing and promotion but excludes marketing and promotion consultants’ expenses, which are incorporated in the consultants’ category.
  4. Includes legal fees, claims and settlement costs.
  5. Includes recruitment related advertising costs.
  6. Includes accommodation, official duty fares and travel allowances.
  7. Includes multi-function devices charges and other equipment costs.

Repairs and maintenance expense

Funding is received for repairs and maintenance works associated with agency assets as part of output appropriation. Costs associated with repairs and maintenance works on agency assets are expensed as incurred.

Interest expense

Interest expenses include interest and finance lease charges. Interest expenses are expensed in the period in which they are incurred.


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