To manage cattle you must first manage rangelands- rangeland management education for ringers

If you’d given me a land system map when I was a first or second year ringer and asked me to present to a group how I would plan a station on it, I wouldn’t have had a clue where to start. If you’d asked me the same thing after 4 years of university, I still would have been pretty hopeless. After learning the content of our Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (DITT) Rangeland Management course, however, I might just be able to draw in some fences and justify how many head I’d run in those paddocks. That’s exactly what a group of staff at Mt Sanford Station did when Georgia Glasson and myself spent the day there delivering a Rangeland Management Course covering many things we wish we knew when we were in their shoes.

Species identification (ID) in the paddock
Figure 1. Species identification (ID) in the paddock

The DITT Rangeland Management Course is a free, one-day, on-station course that has been delivered across the Territory for 20 years or more. It covers important topics such as species identification, land condition assessment, nutrition and weeds. Our aim is to introduce rangeland management factors to staff who may not have had to think about these things before, as well as re-capping the fundamentals for more experienced staff. The broad nature of the course means it can be tailored to each property. This often leads to a lot of discussion and us presenters learning as much as the participants!

Hard at work planning a cattle station
Figure 2. Hard at work planning a cattle station
Discussing yield calculations and carrying capacity
Figure 3. Discussing yield calculations and carrying capacity

The feedback we receive from these courses is great, bar the common complaint from ringers of having to sit still while we run through the theory. Once that is done, we head out to the paddock to put it into practice. At Mt Sanford, we sent 3 groups off to find some perennial grasses, annual grasses and forbs, and report back to the group with a species ID for each and their value to cattle production. A few people were quite interested to learn the differences between the value of grass species, and that a paddock that appears to be in “A” condition may not actually be. Depending on the species present, for example, the cattle have already eaten the preferred pasture species.

To bring everything together, we set 2 groups the task of designing a station starting with a map containing just a boundary fence and the land systems. Using the VRD Land Condition Guide and their knowledge of rangeland management, each group was able to discuss why their paddocks and watering points were where they put them, and how many and what class of cattle were in each paddock. They were also required to implement strategies to manage hypothetical scenarios including a weed outbreak, erosion and a threatened duck species living in one of their waterholes. Of course, with no defined budget for this plan, their stations also featured the likes of indoor campdraft arenas and waterparks essential for staff retention, they said.

Station planning presentations at the end of a great day
Figure 4. Station planning presentations at the end of a great day

As a former ringer who didn’t give grass a second thought, I can highly recommend that all station staff attend one of these courses or similar, if you get the opportunity. Whether you use this knowledge every day or just have an awareness of how healthy rangelands are vital to cattle production and how you can visually assess their condition, you might just start to think about grass and not just the cattle eating it.

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