Livestock movement requirements within the Northern Territory

Road train

There are requirements for keeping certain animals on your property in the Northern Territory (NT) as well as transporting livestock. In some cases, livestock being moved will need to be treated for cattle ticks.

Property Identification Code (PIC)

Your PIC is a biosecurity tool to help the government manage any outbreaks of disease that could spread beyond the property where they are first found.

You must have a PIC if you keep certain animals on your property. It doesn't matter how big or small the property is - from suburban house block to pastoral station. It doesn't matter how many animals you have or even if they are just pets.

Getting a PIC is easy, free and you can register online.

More information

Find out how to get a property identification code on the Northern Territory Government website.


An NT waybill must be written out for certain livestock when they move from one property to another within the Territory. The owner of the property of origin is responsible for supplying the waybill. Waybill books can be purchased from your local Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade office or by order form PDF (694.7 KB).

More information

Find out more about NT waybills on the Northern Territory Government website.

National Livestock Identification System

The National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) provides lifetime traceability of livestock to meet market requirements.

There are two types of NLIS tags for cattle. A white tag signals cattle were born on your property. An orange tag means cattle were born elsewhere.

There is a different coloured tag for sheep and goats for each year.

You can order NLIS tags from your local farm supplies store. You will need to provide them with your PIC when ordering tags.

More information

Find out more about NLIS on the Northern Territory Government website.


A person must not sell, give away, exchange or receive travelling livestock that are unbranded.

Unbranded cattle means cattle of at least 8 months of age that have not previously been branded.

It is compulsory to brand cattle before they are moved off a property or sold unless they are less than eight months of age.

More information

Find out more about NT brands on the Northern Territory Government website.

Cattle tick

The Territory has four cattle tick zones: the Parkhurst zone, infected zone, the control zone and the free zone. Moving livestock out of these zones may require a clean inspection and supervised treatment for cattle tick. Your local Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade office can provide further information.

More information

Find out more about cattle tick zones and moving cattle on the Northern Territory Government website.

Health certificates

Some species of livestock entering the Territory must have a health certificate. If entering from Western Australia, Queensland or New South Wales, the certificate must be endorsed by an inspector of livestock. You must have a health certificate for cattle and buffalo, alpacas, camels, deer, llamas, goats, horses and sheep.

More information

Further information on moving livestock is available on the Northern Territory Government website.

Livestock welfare and land transport standards

There are rules about animal welfare you must follow if you own and transport animals. This applies to farmers, livestock transporters, exporters, sale yard and export yard operators, and those selling livestock (including poultry) at markets.

Do you know what your legal obligations are under the Livestock Act 2008 and Livestock Regulations 2009?

Table 1: Requirements for moving livestock within the Territory

Animal / species NT PIC NT waybillBrands NLIS device Land transport standards apply Treatment for cattle tick (moving out of tick zones)
Buffalo x
Pigs x x x
Sheep and goats x
Deer* x x ✔ and permit
Camels x x
Alpacas and llamas* x x ✔ and permit
Horses (incl mules and donkeys) x x x ✔ and permit
Poultry x x x x
Emus and ostriches x x x x
Honey bees x x x x

* Permit from NT Parks and Wildlife required

Table 2: Requirements for moving livestock into the Territory from interstate

Animal / species NT PIC Health certificate and waybillBrands NLIS device Johne's disease clearance Transport standards apply Treatment for cattle tick (moving out of tick zones)
Buffalo x
Horses (incl mules and donkeys) x x x ✔ and permit
Sheep*** and goats x ✔ and ***
Deer* x x ✔ and permit*
Camels x x
Alpacas and llamas* x x ✔ and permit*
Honeybees x x x x **
Pigs x x x x
Poultry x x x x x

* Permit from NT Parks and Wildlife required.
** Honeybees must have health certificate confirming they do not have European foulbrood, American foulbrood or small hive beetle.
*** You must get written permission from the chief inspector of livestock and meet all other requirement if you want to bring sheep into the Territory.
Note: You do not need a permit to move pigs, pigeons and poultry.

More information

Further information on livestock welfare and transport standards is available on the Northern Territory Government website.

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