Public consultation underway on new agribusiness and aquaculture strategic priorities

A draft list of strategic priorities for accelerating growth in agribusiness and aquaculture which has been developed following consultation with land councils and industry groups was released for public comment on 21 January 2022.

The Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade has spent the past several months engaging with industry and key stakeholders, including through forums and formal discussions to develop these strategic priorities.

These draft strategic priorities have been developed with land councils and industry in recognition of the need for a clear, co-designed, whole-of-sector strategic plan for agribusiness and aquaculture that drives economic growth and identifies synergies for further collaboration.

Opportunities to grow the sector and related industries was identified by the Territory Economic Reconstruction Commission (TERC) as a key focus area for growing the economy to $40 billion by 2030. The draft strategic priorities focus on how agribusiness and aquaculture can contribute to the overall TERC goal and have been developed under four strategic goals to grow, protect, adapt and innovate, and engage.

More work is underway with land councils and industry to identify specific actions.

Input from the public at this point is time is important to assist in the finalisation of the strategy. The strategic priorities ‘have your say’ process is open for public feedback for 5 weeks, closing on Friday 25 February 2022.

To find out more about agribusiness in the Northern Territory, go to The Territory website.

To view and provide feedback on the draft strategic priorities, go to the Have Your Say website.

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