Privacy statement - NT Livestock Biosecurity App

This privacy statement describes how we manage and protect your personal information when you download and use the NT Livestock Biosecurity App (the App). The App enables persons who enter land in the Northern Territory of Australia that is subject to a biosecurity management plan (BMP) to ‘check in’ as required by s 16E of the Livestock Act 2008 (NT).

We are the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade. As a Northern Territory government agency, we are subject to the Information Act 2002 (NT) in relation to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information.

By using the app to check in, you are consenting to having your data transferred out of the Northern Territory to servers in other parts of Australia, as set out below.

Information is collected when you check in

In the App, you are given the opportunity to create profiles for yourself and others. This information is stored locally on your device and is not accessible by us.

The App sends us the information in the profiles for each person you are checking in when you use the check in function.

When you check in, the App also sends us diagnostic information to assist us to identify any errors. This includes general information about your device model and operating system. The diagnostic information does not include geolocation data more specific than your time zone. Each time you install the App on a device, the App generates a random identifier that is unique to that installation of the App on that device (a UUID). The UUID is also transmitted when you check in.

Purpose of collecting information

Checking in sends your name, contact details, vehicle registration, the name of the property you are visiting and the time you are visiting it in order to:

  • meet your legal obligations to notify the nominated person;
  • send you an email copy of the form for your records;
  • assist the nominated person to contact you if needed to clarifying your identity; and
  • contact you and identify potentially contaminated vehicles if this is necessary to manage biosecurity risks.

The form also allows you to check-in other persons who are accompanying you with their consent for the same purposes.

The UUID and other diagnostic information allows us to track any issues with check-ins sent by a particular installation of the App.

What happens if you do not provide the information

Under section 16E of the Livestock Act 2008, you are required to notify the nominated person for the BMP that you are entering the property. You will be in breach of this law if you fail to notify the nominated person.

For your convenience, the nominated person for this property has given you the option to notify them of your entry by checking in using this web form. However, you can notify them by other methods if you prefer.

What happens to your information

We will take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, loss, modification, and unauthorised access and disclosure.

The information you provide will be:

  • stored securely in on Microsoft Azure servers in the Australia East region, which is located in Sydney;
  • emailed to the nominated person for the BMP (usually the property owner); and
  • emailed to you at the email address you provide.

Unless otherwise required by law, the information held by us will only be accessed and used to manage biosecurity risks. It will be deleted from the database after it has been held for 90 days.

More information about Microsoft Azure

We use Microsoft Azure under an Enterprise Subscription Licence for the purpose of storing the data in an Azure SQL Database. We own the data stored under this agreement. The agreement does not allow Microsoft Azure to access or use your personal information stored in the Azure SQL Database unless required by law.

More information

If you want to access or correct your information, or if you have other questions, contact Livestock Biosecurity.

To find out more about privacy and freedom of information in the Territory, you can contact the Information Commissioner.

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