EOI now open for Territory Farm Business Resilience Program


The Territory Government and the Northern Hub is working with the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund to create opportunities for pastoralists and farmers to connect with each other and business professionals to improve their farm business resilience skills.

The Farm Business Resilience (FBR) program will help farmers identify gaps in their business strategy and provide them with the tools they need to prepare for and manage risk; adapt to a changing climate; and improve farm business resilience.

The program

Value Creators have been engaged to deliver the fully-subsidised FBR program in the Northern Territory.

By undertaking the program, pastoralists, farmers and their staff will have the opportunity to work with experts and complete:

  • A business health check
  • Two day block of masterclass workshops
    • Day 1: strategic planning for your business
    • Day 2: navigating innovation and preparing for drought with a focus on diversification and farm water use efficiency
  • Virtual 1 on 1 coaching
  • An additional two day block of masterclass workshops
    • Day 3: benchmarking, financial management and data driven decision making
    • Day 4: building personal and social resilience
  • A farm business plan

The finalised farm business plans will be evaluated by an independent assessor and also assessed against a resilience checklist.

Download the program brochure PDF (744.0 KB).


The program is fully subsidised* for up to 30 agribusinesses (maximum 2 people per business or property).

The program is valued at $10,000 per person.

How to apply

Express your interest now and Value Creators will be in contact to start the registration process.

Cattle yards, Numul Numul Station, Roper Valley
Cattle yards, Numul Numul Station, Roper Valley

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