Help stop the spread of banana freckle in the Territory


Banana freckle has been detected in the Batchelor–Rum Jungle region and the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade is asking for help to determine how widespread the disease is in the Top End.

Banana freckle is a plant disease caused by the fungus Phyllosticta cavendishii. This species is exotic to Australia, and affects Cavendish and non-Cavendish banana cultivars. Banana freckle is a serious threat to the banana industry, including its future growth.

The fungus decreases plant health and productivity by reducing the amount of healthy leaf area. Banana freckle affects fruit quality and appearance. This makes the fruit is less marketable, even though it is still safe to eat.

The department is working together with  industry, growers and the public to limit the impacts of this pest so we can all enjoy healthy Northern Territory grown bananas.

If you have banana plants on your property, please check them for signs of banana freckle.

More information about the signs of the disease is available online: If you are unsure whether you have banana freckle, contact the plant biosecurity team on 1800 084 881.

Please check your plants and email the following information to

  • Name:
  • Suburb:
  • Phone contact:
  • Do you see any symptoms of banana freckle on your plants: YES/NO
  • Any photographs of your plants (please attach)

The team will handle your personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Principles (IPP) in the Information Act 2002. The department’s privacy policy is available online:

Your information will help our plant biosecurity team assess how widespread the disease is in the NT, and ensure your plants are healthy and free of the disease. Healthier plants mean more fruit for you and a stronger more productive banana industry in the Territory.

Biosecurity is everyone’s responsibility. Together we can ensure our industries and favourite fruits are protected.

Leaves infected by banana freckle
Check your banana plants for Phyllosticta cavendishii fungus on the leaves or fruit and call 1800 084 881 if you’re unsure.

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